Friday, January 16, 2009

Meaning of Music

Music. It's my life. Music makes the world go around. Its great. Since everyone in class has done a cool writing presentation, I have a whole new perspective on what songs and music means. I am a huge rap fun, but it just seems like a bunch of crap to me. Yes, for the most part it's about sex and drugs. Most people would agree with that. I used to think Hip-Hop was dead, but I've had a change of heart. It might sound like a bunch of crap, but deep inside it means something personal to the singer. Everyone has a different way of interpreting lyrics, there is nothing wrong with that either.

What really got me into lyrics was the rapper Lupe Fiasco. He has so much to say. Most people don't really like him, but you have to give him a chance and listen to him. He says so much influential stuff that is positive. I think everyone has that one artist that they love. This is the guy that really moves me.

You know, I don't really think people appreciate music as they should. Music is such a great art. It brings meaning. It's not just for entertainment, its life. I just want people to really look into the music and dig deep down and see what songs means. Hey, it could change your prospective on things.

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