Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jimi Hendrix Story! Woo!

For once, we finally read a pretty good story in class. This made me happy!

Anyways, we just got done reading a story called "Because My Father Always Said He Was The Only Indian Who Saw Jimi Hendrix Play 'The Star-Spangled Banner' At Wood-stock." This was a pretty interesting story. At first, I thought it would be another bogus story that we had to read. I was wrong! This story had me laughing, and I was very into this story. It was a very descriptive story. I felt like I was actually there. Nuts!

There were a ton of funny things in this story, but a couple of things stood out for me. I love some of the things that the mom said. "Your father was always half crazy." "And the other half was on medication." That got me chuckling a little. She also said this. "There must of been a hundred times he passed out on top of me. We'd be right in the middle of it, he'd say I love you, his eyes would roll backwards, then out went his lights..." I was shocked. This story is so open. It's amazing.

Overall, I'm glad we actually read a story that was somewhat interesting to me.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Meaningful Art

When observing come cool art in class, I was simply amazed. I had no idea how much a litle piece of art could mean something so special until we actually analyzed the pictures. There are so many things in a piece of art that can represent something. For example, you can tell the mood of a picture by facial expression or the certain lighting the picture has.

In most cases, a piece of art may tell a certain story. It may tell a story about the person's life or may include influential people that were important in their life. So when people say, "A picture is worth a thousand words," I would totally agree. Art has many meanings and interpretations. That is why art is so unique and amazing.