Thursday, December 4, 2008

Metaphors that Kill

About a week and a half ago, we read a little article about Desert Storm that was called Metaphor and War. The article was basically a huge metaphor and how war can kill. It really was a great article. It had great examples on all levels. One of the greatest references it had was that Kuwait was described as "rape." That is pretty good.

We later did a reflection and were asked to come up with one example of a metaphor that represents our life. I chose a roller coaster as my metaphor. I chose this because I have lots of ups and downs with loops and corkscrews. I also said it was a never-ending roller coaster. I think a lot of people would choose this as a metaphor too. Anyone can relate to that.


Recently in class we have been talking about censorship. We also read the story Palm Sunday. It was a very interesting story. I totally agree that it's not fair to ban books from schools and burn them. I think that if you don't let students read those "obsurd" book, they won't have certain knowledge or experiences needed that are out there in the real world.

There was another point that was brought out. If the school committee were to hook up lie-decetors on the students and ask them if they have ever read a book from front to back since high school, the students would not pass them. They made a very good point from this. In most cases, it is true. Most students don't read books front to back. It's just a fact.

Overall, I don't think schools should ban books. It really takes away from learning if you think about it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jimi Hendrix Story! Woo!

For once, we finally read a pretty good story in class. This made me happy!

Anyways, we just got done reading a story called "Because My Father Always Said He Was The Only Indian Who Saw Jimi Hendrix Play 'The Star-Spangled Banner' At Wood-stock." This was a pretty interesting story. At first, I thought it would be another bogus story that we had to read. I was wrong! This story had me laughing, and I was very into this story. It was a very descriptive story. I felt like I was actually there. Nuts!

There were a ton of funny things in this story, but a couple of things stood out for me. I love some of the things that the mom said. "Your father was always half crazy." "And the other half was on medication." That got me chuckling a little. She also said this. "There must of been a hundred times he passed out on top of me. We'd be right in the middle of it, he'd say I love you, his eyes would roll backwards, then out went his lights..." I was shocked. This story is so open. It's amazing.

Overall, I'm glad we actually read a story that was somewhat interesting to me.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Meaningful Art

When observing come cool art in class, I was simply amazed. I had no idea how much a litle piece of art could mean something so special until we actually analyzed the pictures. There are so many things in a piece of art that can represent something. For example, you can tell the mood of a picture by facial expression or the certain lighting the picture has.

In most cases, a piece of art may tell a certain story. It may tell a story about the person's life or may include influential people that were important in their life. So when people say, "A picture is worth a thousand words," I would totally agree. Art has many meanings and interpretations. That is why art is so unique and amazing.